Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Have You Ever...

A few weeks ago I mentioned wanting to start a carnival blog...just a little something fun to keep us all smiling, laughing, or thinking. Well here it is!
Have you ever thrown a tea party for your kids, not for the fun of it, but so that they will drink their own tea and not all of yours?
Have you ever let your kids play in and under the furniture?

Have you ever let your kids share the same drink at the same time?

Have you ever moved 2 times in two months with 3 kids?
May 7th from our house to...
Our apartment here in Austin...
Here is our home that we will move it in Round Rock next Friday!
Now it is your turn...what Have You Ever...recently, weeks ago, or even longer! Update your blog and link it below with MckLinky. Or you can leave a comment as well!



Anonymous said...

congrats on your house! miss seeing you..hpe you are having a good summer.

Anonymous said...

oops...can't spell this morning...
miss seeing you at church and it should be hope you are having a good summer

April said...

congrats on the house! it's gorgeous! we have family that live in round rock and they love it.