Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Crock Pot Breakfast

I cannot remember what blog I saw this on (I checked back on a few I look at regularly and could not find it so who knows), but I stumbled upon it about a month ago and knew I needed to try it.

Crock Pot Oatmeal

1 cup of steal cup oat (must be steal cut)
4 cups of water
dash of salt

Put above in your crock pot, place the lid on, turn on low, go to bed. In the morning your oats are ready for any add in...butter, sugar, honey, agave nectar, cinnamon, dried or fresh fruit, flax seed meal (a.k.a. brown sprinkles in our house), or whatever you want! We had ours with butter, agave nectar, flax seed meal and blueberries today! Yum-O as my mother-in-law (Happy Birthday yesterday by the way) and Rachael Ray would say! Peyton had 8...yes I said 8, serving spoonfuls of it this morning!

If you have a large crock pot like I do, place about 3 cups of water in the crock pot, put a corning wear dish inside that will fit. This will make it like a double boiler and allows it to work in large crock pots. Fill the corning wear dish with oats, water, and salt. Put the lids on and turn on low.



Kayce said...

I believe this was on mycharmingkids.com awhile back because I remember her twitting about it too.

TJPPPSmith said...

Maybe that was were...I tried to find it on her blog enrty but could not...I guess it was a twitter! Good one!