Wednesday, June 3, 2009

What's a girl to do?

I have always been active. Actually I never stop moving and fidgeting, but that is a different story (one of the big reasons Trooper loves our Tempurpedic bed).

In high school I was in Drill Team. In college I was a dance major and was on the kick line. After graduating I worked out at Curves and then a local gym in Rowlett. Once Parker was born, I joined Lady of America (childcare) and started taking classes for the 1st time. When Paige was 6 weeks old, I took my certification class to teach aerobics and have taught (having a free membership) up until about 4 weeks ago.

Since moving in here and not having a gym membership/teaching at a gym, I have had to come up with creative ways to workout here with the kids, not making too much noise for the neighbors downstairs, and still stay in shape.

I jog to the front club house (passing the gym on the way that I cannot use with 3 kids in tow) pushing Paige and Peyton with Parker on the big wheel.

I have done stairs at night after putting the kids to bed.

Today at the pool I even broke out some of the things I used when I taught aqua aerobics classes.

Anything you can do right?!?!

With that said, I am wondering if any of you have suggestions for me...things to do, DVDs to use, or whatever! Remember I have neighbors below and have the the 3 kids (the weeks Trooper is in Dallas) so I cannot go anywhere without them.

I am not looking to teach right now...with going out of town for the summer/finding subs, getting settled here, and not wanting a class until Peyton is down to 1 nap so I can teach mornings...I am not looking for a class for a few more months.

So again...any suggestions out there?!?!?



Kayce said...

I really like the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred DVD. There are jumping jacks so I don't know how much your neighbors would like that.

April said...

something quiet to do is yoga or pilates. i don't think that should disturb your neighbors. i get the free ones off of the tv with "on demand", but there are some great dvd's, too. there are even some cardio yoga routines that really get your heart pumping.