Monday, June 29, 2009

Not Me Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Well this past week I did not just have tons of time on my hand to post every single day. No, not me.

Tuesday night Mom, Mark, and I did not go to Temple to see The Proposal. When we arrived we were not informed that the movie had been canceled so that they could show another theater for Transformers almost 3 hours later! No they didn't...well yes they did! Well we then did not go on Thursday onto the movie...this time is was not in Harker Heights...just to not make sure that we we were kicked out from seeing the movies again! No, not the Temple Theater. No, not Mark. No, not Mom. No, not me!

On Wednesday we were not getting ready to leave for VBS. My mom did not get Peyton out of his high chair. She did not ask me if he had had his morning dirty diaper. I did not say no. He had not eaten blueberries for breakfast so when mom mentioned that he did not have one fallen out of his pjs onto the floor, I did think hard about it. So of course more did not start to fall out seconds later when we did not realize that it was for sure blueberries...not some #2!!! Oops! No, not Peyton. No, not my mom. No, not me.

Last Thursday night, Peyton did not decide to take more than about 5 steps and is now walking at about 12 step segments consistently. No, not our 14 month old.

When the kids and I returned from our week long trip to my parent's house, we did not leave straight from our friend's house/pool. Mom and I did not put PJs on 3 kiddos with salt water dry skin. When I arrived home about an hour later I did not just put those salty PJed kids to bed. I then did not start a load of laundry that included the kids and my suits. I then did not retrieve the bags from the car, take out trash, and so forth in my cover up and flip flops...ahem. No, not me!

While swimming Saturday night, Paige did not finally realize (not like last summer) that she did not LOVE to jump off the side of the pool over and over and over again. No, not Paige.

Also, while swimming, Parker did not get the hang of swimming under the water again. He did not do a great job swimming back and forth between Trooper and I. No, not Parker.

Now it is not your turn to not let me know what you have been doing this week! Blog on!



{Kimber} said...

how was the movie? I've been wanting to see it.....
great not me's!

TJPPPSmith said...

It was cute. A good summer flick. Predictable but enjoyable.