Monday, June 8, 2009

Not Me Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Last Wednesday I did not take the kids to the pool in Austin. After I did not have the kids dressed, lotion on, and bags packed, I did not realize that Peyton was not without a swimmer. So, since he did not just have a #2, I surely did not put him in just his suit and let him swim. No, not me.

Last Thursday while in Belton, I did not get my hair cut. I then loved it so much that on Saturday night I did not take scissors to it to fix it over my bathroom sink. I now, do not love it! No, not me.

Also while in I did not pick up a $15 pool at Wal-mart for the kids at my parent's house. While playing in the pool, Parker did not have to go potty...he did not use the tree. Paige then did not try to copy him on the the sunflower in the backyard. No, not Parker. No, not Paige. No, not me.

While in the backyard playing in the pool, Paige did not say something about needing to go #2. I then did not walk over to her so we could go inside. She then did not direct me to the spot that she had already gone. The girl was sure not quick because mom and I were not both facing and watching the kids play. A little while later...Parker not being funny...did not do the same thing! No, not Paige. No, not Parker. No, not me.

Trooper and I did not have custard on the way home from Belton on Friday in Georgetown. Again on Saturday, after playing at the splash park in Austin, we did not have custard as well. We did not have it one more time for the weekend on Sunday in Cedar Park before leaving to come back to Belton. No, not the kids. No, not Trooper. No, not me.

Now it is your turn! What have you not done this week!


1 comment:

The Maybin's said...

ahhh, my day is complete now that you've posted "not me monday!" jk...thanks for great times and laughs last weekend!!