Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Move thoughts...

16 days until we sign papers...I am getting a little nervous and anxious. We have lived in Rowlett for 8 1/2 years. We know where things are. We have friends and a church we love. We think of this place as home. We are leaving very soon to move onto a new chapter of our lives.

I know that the Lord has made this plan for us and has us going now for a reason and with a purpose. We have had so many of you express concern and love for us and our transition. Please continue to pray for us. We know that the Lord will see us through this time...that may be with his strength or him sending someone to help...or anywhere in between.

If you are in the Lake Ray Hubbard area with us right now, we love you all SO much and will miss everyone. You have been our family and friends over the past 8 1/2 years.

Trooper and I have talked about this several times. When we were in college, we (and most people) make friends quickly because everyone is in the same boat of not knowing anyone/many people. After getting married though...it seamed to take a long time to make friends. Those friends though...are the strongest friendships I think that I have ever had!

About a year and a half ago we changed from Sunday morning to Saturday nights at our same church. We had our reasons at the time (wanting to go with 3 kids to get out the door in the evening vs. early morning was the big one). We soon found out afterwards that the Lord had a plan for us as well in making the switch. We found a WONDERFUL ABF to join. We have loved every minute of being there. I don't think I have laughed so hard as when being around some of you. In doing so, the Lord showed us (and mainly me) that we don't have to be afraid of moving and not being able to make those friendships and relationship. That can and will still happen for us. Trooper and I feel so much better about that aspect of the move since we have grown so close to so many people we did not even know 16 months ago.

We know that this move will be a long and hard road for us to get settled, find a church home, get Paige in speech, get Parker and Paige in preschool, have Trooper in Austin full time, find and buy a house, make the house and Austin our home. Through that though...we know that we have someone very special on our side that is guiding and seeing up through the whole process...and carrying me through it as well. Thank you Lord for being there!

For always being there.

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