Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Sleepless in Round Rock...UPDATED


Well I wanted to add a few other quick insights:

1. Yesterday when she was up until about 12, she had fallen a sleep for a little nap (went to sleep after I was reading/talking to her and Trooper called about 6:45, I could not wake her so I put her to bed), but she got up just as I was finishing Parker's last book and Peyton was already asleep about 8:10.

2. Oh and when she did get up this morning it was a 7, she was wet, and I was still tired!! Get start to the day! Go Laundry...it is never ending...

3. I have received a few replies, calls, or email and I THANK YOU!!! Some of the things we have considered as a source to the problem of why and some are tricks we have tried as well. Here are a few other things than mentioned on the original post that we have tried:
*Putting a baby lock on the inside of the door (she took it off even while she was still in a crib before she was 2 when she would get really mad), but it did help when she was not mad
*Parker and her slept together in the house after we sold Parker's bed just before we moved and in the apartment...that was a big NO!!! We ended up having to put them down in different rooms and moving them after they were asleep (this was for bed time...nap they slept apart and just stayed there)
*In Rowlett, I would sit in the playroom and read a book of mine while trying to get her to stay in her room being firm...not too loving so she would get used to and want the attention and not too mean (no wonder I read so much from last fall until now!).
*We tried making nap time sooner so she would not be over tired...did not help.
*There are most likly a few more, but PLEASE any advise or suggestions would be WONDERFUL.
*We have a consistent bed time (it might change a little in the summer with the light and no school, but only by about 15 minutes...that is what drapes are for after all!).

4. This is not something brand new to moving here. It started a little over a year ago. Yes, around Peyton being born or before, but it was nap time then. She would still go down but give it her best in a fight. Bed time started about 9 months ago. This was before a move, before big traveling to Austin, well after Peyton's birth, and not during a change (like preschool or music class starting). It has just got worse since the move.

Before it would take her time to go down for a nap, but she would eventually go down 6 out 7 days. Now we fight for 1. Before we would fight for night time most nights, but it would take until about 8:30-8:45 with starting at 8. Now...who knows! I know that the move, daddy being here on weekends and certain full weeks has made it worse, not having a routine like during the school year with preschool class 2 days, music class 1 day, bible study 1 day, going to the gym 2 set times a week and maybe 1 more, and having speech a set day and time every week has messed with her as it has me and the boys.

Keep the emails, calls and comments coming...

I know it has been forever since I blogged any pictures and I have tons to share and the final house post promised...but I am a little drained.

One word...Paige

I love our little curly headed, speech delayed, tall and skinny, loving, mind of her own, girly girl that is a sister to 2 boys and a daughter to 2 people how love her greatly.

Oh, I sure love the girl...I know the but is coming...but I am at the end of my rope and need some advise. Paige is having sleep trouble. When I say trouble...that is a little of an understatement.

The girl slept from 11 to 7 when she was 2 months old. She slept from 8 to 7 at 3 months. She was the easiest of the 3 to put on a schedule and did wonderful as a babywise baby. She was never rocked to sleep (and would have nothing to do with it if I even tried). Over a year ago she started having sleep problems (so this is nothing new, but has gone to the extreme in the last few months.) Remember this example from before Peyton was born. She started wanting certain things to sleep with and sometimes we gave in, or this time when a trip camping was cut short due to Paige not going to sleep. With Parker, I had this problem and did the Super Nanny trick. It worked for him everytime he had nap trouble. Paige on the other hand...never!!!

I just do not know what to do. I am going to bring it up to her doctor at her 3 year visit next month, but I wanted to see if anyone had any advise that I could try before I go.

Paige, first off, will not nap. She does maybe 1 time a week for me. That is it! When it is bed time, it is a fight as well. She will not settle herself down. I do not want to start her in a new/bad habit (that she will for sure remember and want to do every night) so no food or drink before bed (maybe a little water, but no warm milk or anything). We do the normal before bed (and try to keep it the same for the most apart every night even if we happen to be getting to bed late for what ever reason). We brush teeth, put on pjs, read about 2-3 books, do her journal...most nights...(for speech help), say prayers, and go to bed. Add a bath before all that on most nights...but not all. She likes a light on so we put on the night light and give her a kiss. That is only the beginning of the night...she gets up several times.

She used to (in Rowlett she started this)have to have her door open and would not settle down without it. When we moved I cut that out because it did not work...we could not talk or move without her hearing us until she went to bed.

We have tried several things. Now when I say tried...I am meaning that we tried something and stuck with it for about a week or more to see if it would work and nothing has.
1. Puting her back down without talking to her over and over and over again
2. Cutting nap down shorter (ha...she does not even take one anymore and still gives us problems)
3. Getting spanking...very funny...she gets one, I have her repeat that she will get another if she comes out of her room...what happens a few minutes later...she comes out again!
4. Laying with her. Trooper can get this to work about 75% of the time. I do not have this time but when I have tried it has only worked for me about 5% of the time.

I know that some of this is our fault for giving into little things in being tired or wanting her to just settle and go down and contributed to the problem, but some of it is also her.

Last week when we were in Abilene visiting with family, Paige showed her stubbon strenght in full force. It was a day she had swam twice. We went up to my Aunts' school and let the kids run while we picked up a few toys for them to play at the house. She also did not take her nap that day. That night she threw fit upon fit and did not settle herself down to finally fall asleep until 11:30. You have got to be kidding me!!!

As I am sitting here typing...it is 11:20. I go to bed usually before now, but guess who is up!

Any advise...PLEASE SEND!!!! She is over tired when it comes to bed time, she gets herself over worked up and we do not want to add something to the mix that will be a bad habit (for her or us)

Sleepless in Round Rock


Christy said...

So sorry! Nothing is worse than lack of sleep!! Sounds kind of mean but could you turn her door knob around and lock it from the outside? You could get to her but she would be locked in and not able to get to you. I am sure she would stand at the door and bang, yell and scream but at least she would be in her room and not bothering you. At some point it would not be fun being alone and crying in her room so I am sure she would give up. Worth a try!!!

TJPPPSmith said...

I did put a baby lock on her door at the old house, but she learned how to get it off of the door. That is something I can try...her door does not lock so I would need to get a new one

April said...

this may sound totally crazy, but have you thought about putting her in a room with one of the boys? i think both of our boys sleep well because they share a room. they lay around chatting for a few minutes (and sam can barely talk), but usually fall asleep pretty quickly. i think just having the other one there helps calm them down and not need nick and i so much. we were only going to do this for a trial period, but it's worked out so well that i think we'll leave it this way until they want their own rooms. hopefully, it wouldn't backfire where paige prevents the other from sleeping. but you never know. =)

The Maybin's said...

oh my sweet jami!

today, the number one reason for tonsils and annoids to be removed is sleep apnea...i'm not sure ir the apnea relates to inconsistent sleep or just general troubles sleeping! (parker was the small percentage of children that really needed those sickly tonsils taken out!) I wouldn't definitely talk to your dr or ent!

I've heard of evening baths stimulating some children thus creating a bad bed time habit even if a bath isn't given every night.

I do have a friend that did the door knob thing. her child fell asleep at the door but he doesn't come out of his room at all now...it did take some patience and some "tuning out" for awhile...but it worked!

I'm so, so sorry you are going through all this! i'll keep thinking and send out your email to my MOPS group (with your permission!) and let you know their responses!

Love to you and may your rest be sweet! Emily

Mama Clegg said...

Wish I could give you some advice..you pretty much are doing everything I would do and am doing...We are starting to have similar issues with Turner...He has a fit when the door is closed all of a sudden and now is coming into our room 3-4 times per night. The doorknob trick may work. I know what you mean about the childproof lock. Turner figured out how to knock it off as well. Gotta love smart strong willed kiddos...I wonder where it comes from?!!?