As Trooper was putting Paige to bed, she wanted something in her room that was on the floor. He sat her down and she ran right over to the boots. We kissed her goodnight. After about an hour, we went to check on her and this is what we found...
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3-21-10...After seeing a Staple's commercial the kids are playing kitchen and Parker says, "Wow, that's a low price! Hot Diggidy Dog, I am going to put that in my shopping cart!"
2-12-10...While listening outside Parker's room to see if Paige was down for nap, Parker told his trains, "You know some of you trains are just going to have to fall on the broken bridge."
9-6-09...Daddy said, "Parker you are putting buttons." Parker responded, "No, I am not. There are not buttons out here!"
5-29-09...After time out while at the pool, Trooper was reminding Parker not to put the pool rockets in the mud. He replyed, "Yes sir, Captain Space Rubber Ducky Daddy."
We are a family of 5 that live in Round Rock, Texas. We are all lovers of the Lord and our Savior, Jesus Christ, Mexican food, and Sunday morning breakfast. Trooper works in downtown Dallas as well as Austin as in environmental engineer full time. He also is in the Army National Guard one weekend a month and 2 weeks during the summer. Trooper enjoys golf, hunting, fishing, and being with family and friends. Jami is a stay at home mom and aerobic instructor. Jami loves decorating, scrapbooking, reading, and spending time with family and friends. Parker is 4 years old. He loves trains, books, riding his bike, and having things in order according to "Parker". Paige is 3 years old. She loves purses, bracelets, brushing her teeth, reading books, and the toy in Parker's hand. She also has some crazy curly hair! Peyton is 17 months old. He loves playing with cars, a bat and ball, "talking" with his brother and sister, and still loving to be cuddled. Oh, he may also have some of his sister's crazy curly hair!!!
The next fantastic Clayton broad has arrived. I am praying for your comfort and safety.
Love you!
This really is TOO FUNNY!
She is getting so tall, too! We can hardly wait to see her.
Love, Us
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