Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Nap time problems...

We usaully start nap for Paige about 1:00ish...Parker then about 30 minutes later so that she will be asleep when he goes down and the 2 of us can have some Mommy and Parker learning time. He then (in theory) goes down. He and Paige will wake up about the same time 2 hours later.

Well...Parker is not wanting to nap anymore. We have told him he must nap until he is 5. He gave Jami a few problems before Peyton was born. Since Peyton's arrival, we have only had 4 day where he had not last week and the past 2 days! He will stay in his room for alone time, but he is not napping. Jami is getting a little alone time to get things done so that is not the problem. The problem is that he is a bear in the evenings when he does not have a nap. He knows if he does not nap he has to go to bed before Paige...usually by 7:15 vs. the normal 8:00. If anyone has a suggestion...Please leave a reply and let me know.


Unknown said...

Hey Jamie! Same thing happened to us. We actually had to set a timer and say he had to have "alone" time and put him in his room- his choice if he slept or not- then do the supernanny thing and not give him any attention when he got out- no eye contact no talking to him- just simply place him back in his room. At this age they don't care if it is negative or positive attention as long as it is attention. It will be a LONG day when you do it- but he will realize that he will not win the room battle. Also make sure he is getting up at the same time as normal in the morning. We finally gave up naps when he would stay up till 11 if he took one! Hope that helps you!

Anonymous said...

I bribe mine with popcicles or a trip to the pool/park. I tell them I am coming back to check and if they are not asleep, no treat. I wait a while though before checking to give them some time to fall asleep.

Mama Clegg said...

Ahh Yes lovely nap time. Zanna has her weeks that she does not nap as well. If you find out anything great that works let me know as well. I think the key is being persistent with the routine.

TJPPPSmith said...

Thanks Stacy...I have done the supernanny thing before and it worked great. I was seeing if there were any other ideas, but going back to supernanny worked again! Thanks for the reminder!