Saturday, August 15, 2009

Thank you Jesus!!

The past few weeks (more like months I think actually) I have been praying and even hard Trooper praying with me for time. Time to get things I needed and wanted to get accomplished complete. With Paige not napping, moving into a new house (and everything that goes with changing addresses...again...visiting churches, unpacking, establishing a routine, and so on...), getting settled, Trooper in Dallas over 1/2 of the days each month, and keeping with 3 kids I have been praying.

In my prayers I have been also asking for me time as well as quite time to spend with my Lord...before bed! Well with Paige and her sleeping I mentioned earlier this week, I have found the time. She has started napping again we well as going to bed on time. The is 2 fold.

1. Put yourself out there and ask for help. Ask for prayers. As for any advise. Be real with people and express your frustrations
2. Sit outside your daughter's room until she settles down. Keep putting her back in bed without folding to any of her demands or desires.

I did this with Parker when he was young, and it would only take him a few minutes to go to sleep. I have done this with Paige before, but it would last about an hour sometimes.

This time...I embraced the time.

It has given me some me time of the computer to blog, facebook, and twitter. It gives me time to make phone calls, pay bills, and to through junk mail. But most importantly, I have had time to do my quite time with my Lord.

Thank you Jesus! Thank you for answering my prayers and for letting me embrace the answer! My sweet baby girl is getting the nap and evening sleep she needs, I am getting the me time I want and the time with you I need and have prayed for!


1 comment:

The Maybin's said...

So, so happy for you sweet Jami! Remind me of all these things when I am there...

Have a great weekend with Trooper!