Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Tonight after the kids were in bed, I had to run to the store for the usual suspects (spinach, lettuce, fruit, carrots, milk, and bread). I went to Target. I have not been to a Target since moving from Rowlett. In Rowlett, Target is where I shopped every week for groceries. This Target was set up just like mine from Rowlett.

As I am getting ready to leave, in my mind I am thinking about when I get home...I was picturing in my mind's eye driving up in Trooper's car, parking, and walking my bags in and placing them on the island in my kitchen. When I am picturing all of this, it is in my home in Rowlett. As I walk outside...I realize that I am at the Target...5 miles from my new house in Round Rock and just over 3 hours from my house in Rowlett.

A rush of emotions hit my like a ton of bricks.

I am not there...I am not in the city I called home for 8 1/2 years.

I missed "home."

I missed knowing people.

I missed seeing my friends.

I missed my kids seeing their friends.

I missed having a church I call "home" and an ABF that we LOVE.

I missed so much about living in the Lake Ray Hubbard area.

Today I talked to my 2 best friends. They were together. They had no kids for a few hours after bible study. They were able to go to lunch together and have some girl time. I talked to them while they were in the car together on their way home. I missed being with my girlfriends for our girls night out (either kind...dressed up and out to eat or in PJs with coffee at some one's house).

With all my missing and rush of emotions aside, I know that Trooper and I have make the right decision in moving down here.

We love our home and friendly neighborhood.

We have enjoyed visiting churches and really enjoy the one we have been to for the past 4 weeks.

We know that with time everything will fall into place.

We know all of this, but I know I still miss...



The Maybin's said...

i know jami, i know! but know that they are missing you, too! in the past 5 months, my best friend moved back to oklahoma...sometimes i just want to blink and everything be back to normal. i'm in the same place and she is not...there is a hole that cannot be filled...

keep pressing on!

Anonymous said...

Jami...we miss you guys too!! I totally cried when I read this post. You and Trooper are very missed and Kate misses playing with Paige at church. I know that you guys will have no trouble rebuilding your lives in Round Rock because yall are so friendly and easy going. Also the Lord has led you to this place and will provide for you in every way...including socially! I'm praying for you! By the way...LOVE your mud room! So cool!--Kerri