Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Well he is just getting so big SO fast. I know that he held onto being content stilling in some one's lap until he was 9 months old. I know he really did not crawl/scoot/move until he was 9 months old (he did before 9 months, but he did not really care to do it that often). I know he still loves to be carried like a tiny baby in the moby wrap until he was about 9 months old...I LOVED EVERY MINUTE OF IT!!! He is my baby...and unless God has a plan he has not told me about...and my last little one.

Well the last 2-3 weeks have changed EVERYTHING!!! Parker and Paige did all of the above in steps...slowly increasing...not Peyton. He went from nothing to EVERYTHING! He is crawling everywhere, going up steps, not wanting to be held for more then about 2-3 minutes at a time, pulling himself to his knees, pulling himself to standing, turning over to a sitting position, getting in my way in the kitchen, walking around standing toys/coffe tables, letting go and standing for about 2-3 seconds at a time. Walking a step or two or three or more while holding your fingers.

I also FINALLY turned in his crib pieces for the recall. His bed was on a recall when he was about a month old. It had to do with a part that would not bother him until he started to pull up in the crib. Well with him now pulling up, I had to bite the bullet and take the crib apart. He is now in the pack-n-play until we get the voucher for a new one in the mail. His crib was also still on the next to highest level out of 4...if we were not having to get a new crib, we would have had to finally lower the level...Parker and Paige required their cribs to be lowered at about 7-7 1/2 months!

It started with a growth spurt of eating a few days after turning 9 months old. Since then he has been everywhere...even with ear infection #8...If you were not tuning in during late October...Yes, he already has tubes and Yes this is infection #3 since the tubes and Yes we do go the the ENT again this week for a 3 month check...


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