Sunday, November 2, 2008

Busy Week...Part 4 of 4

Dressing for Preschool and Texas Tech

Over the past few weeks at school, Parker and Paige have dressed up for several different things...
First was high school spirit day...Belton Tigers! That is the only team Paige has ever watched and the one Parker has seen the most.

Cowboy and Cowgirl day.

College day...GO TECH!!! Make sure you read the story below. Here Parker has on a friend's shirt because his was in the mail from Aunt Vicki and Uncle Bobby.

Okay now onto Tech and the story. I called my Auny Vicki about getting the boys a Tech shirt from Lubbock. I was not finding the right size for them here. She sent them in the mail shortly afterwards. Last Saturday, I had a baby shower in the morning. When I arrived home, the kids were having lunch outside and Peyton was about to get up from nap. That morning we had put on fall/halloween outfits on the kids. Trooper put on thier Tech shirts over to support our team. As I am walking to the backyard to greet the kids, Trooper say, "The shirt your aunt got for Paige is way too small for her. It is going to have to go for Peyton." I responded, "She did not get one for Paige. There was one for Parker and one for Peyton. Paige already has her Tech cheerleading uniform." So here are the pictures of Paige in Peyton's shirt (that says 9 months on the tag!!) and Peyton in his shirt as well.

Peyton showing off his Tech Shoes!
Paige in her dress and Parker in his Tech shirt! Go Raiders!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go tigers! cute pictures, don't you love how a dad can be so unaware of sizes! Adam has made that mistake, and didn't even notice! Happy Birthday to Parker, fun party pictures.