Sunday, October 12, 2008


This past weekend the Smith crew traveled down the "BIG B" a.k.a. Belton. We were going down for a baby shower of one of Jami's best friends from high school and college roommate, Amy. She is 7 months pregnant and too cute. Her little boy, Will, will be here sometime in December...or maybe late November! It was great for Jami to see several friends that the shower that she does not get to see very often...only at weddings, baby showers, 10 year reunion (last year!) or when we either happen to get together or be together in town at the same time. One sad thing though...Jami left the camera on the table at her parent's house so she did not get any pictures...

Trooper and Jami also went out to eat and see the WONDERFUL movie Fireproof. They had a great date night. It was also great to have Gigi, Grumpy, and Uncle Mark there to watch after the little ones. You will never find a better sitter than family (fun, fabulous, and free). We did happen to get a pictures of the 5 of us plus Jami's parents and Mark, but Mark is going to work on editing the pic a little to see if we can put together one where we can all be looking, smiling, or not blinking...I think it was mostly Paige...our little wiggle worm and drama momma...she gets it from me...her mom!
Well here are a few pics...
The boys are watching the game.
Peyton and the new cut? Thank you Troop!
In the car...ready to head home

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was great seeing you! Next time we need to get the kids together to play.