Monday, May 5, 2008


Parker is doing well...still trying to do life according to Parker. He is adjusting to Peyton just fine. He is used to being the oldest and not the baby.

Paige is still a curly mess! Her hair is finally starting to grow. Other than the color, it is turning out to look like Trooper's hair when he was young. She is having a little harder time adjusting to not being the baby of the family. She does love hugging and kissing Peyton everytime she walks by. She also love sitting/laying in the Boppy with either Peyton or one of her baby dolls.

Well I think Peyton is done with jaundice (or better be after 5 visits to the doctor before 2 weeks of least only one of them did the have to draw blood. The others were with screen on Peyton's chest). His eyes are getting clearer and he skin is getting not so yellow...more pasty white like the other members of his family! Peyton also had his first shower Sunday night.

Trooper and Jami...well we are just hanging on for the ride right now. Everyone is asking what is the hardest thing so is the different schedules again. Parker and Paige are on the same schedule. They have been for the most part since last April...except for Paige's morning nap that she dropped in February. Now we have 2 schedules and Peyton is on a 2 1/2 to 3 hour schedule during the day. We just have to be on our toes and prepared ahead of much as possible. Also, we are learning to let go of certain things that do not have to be done perfect or right now...dusting, clothes hung in the closet, every toy picked up before nap/bed, or anything else that seemed SO important before we did not have sleep again. As long as everyone is fed, bathed, and had on clean clothes at some point in the day, we are all good!

1 comment:

KerrisKorner said...

Clean clothes are over rated...just being clothed is fine! Hang in there!