Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

The Smiths had a great Memorial Day weekend. The pool opened this weekend and we were there Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. Parker and Paige took a little getting used to the water again. Parker was for the most part back up to speed by Monday when we came home. Paige on the other hand, it is going to take a few more visits before she is comfortable. Last year Jami took the kids at least 2 times during the week to the pool by herself. With 3 kids our kid's ages, we don't think that will be happening near as often...at least not until we are all a little more comfortable with the water. Peyton also got his little toes in the water for a few moments over the weekend. His little suit is so small and they do not even make swimmers in his size (not like he is really going to get in the water though).

On Saturday evening, we went to the Johnson's Annual Memorial Day Celebration. The kids had a blast. We could not get a picture of Kort and Parker tackling each other (due to our laughter), but it was a sight to see. Parker got Kort down 2 times, but then Kort fought back and took Parker down 4 times! Paige, well, she was into trying on kids shoes as they took them off as well as eating (a.k.a. dipping into) the salsa. Peyton just went with the flow and had a bit to eat, took a nap, got passed around among friends in the backyard. All in all, we had a wonderful time at the party and a wonderful long weekend.
Jami and Trooper at the Party

Mommy and Peyton

Both kids loved all the of possible sweet to eat!

Paige trying to play washers

Daddy and Peyton

Mommy and Peyton at the Pool just after his toes were dipped!

Daddy and Peyton

Daddy and Parker running through the water!

Mommy and Paige give it a try too!

Parker, Daddy, and Paige playing in the water.

Mommy and Paige (who is unsure of the water at the moment)

Parker playing with his pool toy...he loves anything that will turn or move. Daddy picked out the perfect toy for him!

Paige and her curls are checking out the water...still unsure

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