Tuesday, March 23, 2010


As many of you know (and I am sorry for the full out post to everyone without an ealier on, but you know…3 kids, pregnant, I can't seem to blog otherwise, and I can’t seem to catch my breath to talk on the phone…ha ha) and some do not, I have had trouble breathing with this pregnancy.

I had the same thing with Peyton, but it was towards the end of the pregnancy and only seemed to happen when I was going up the stairs. With having 2 kids, pregnant, teaching between 2-4 aerobic classes per week, and having stairs that pregnancy vs. none the first 2, we (the OB and I) wrote it off as just part of the pregnancy.

This time it is different. I am having trouble breathing during singing at church, talking on the phone/in person, while making breakfast or lunch, putting on a 5 year old’s shoes, shopping for fans at Home Depot, and so on. It also seems to be worse in the morning/before noon. Not that I have not had it in the afternoon/evening as well. I mentioned this to my OB at my appointment that was almost 2 weeks ago now. As I mentioned it I even was writing it off as pregnancy. She wanted me to go to the hospital the following Monday to have a echocardiogram done on my heart just to check things out. That was last week.

Today I talked with my doctor’s office. They had received the results from the cardiologist that I have mild mitro valve prolapse. They referred me to see the cardiologist (the office was closed when I received word of the need for a visit so I do not know when I will be going just yet). As soon as I know more, I will pass on. Also, this (I believe) is exactly what my sister has and was brought on during her pregnancy and she has no problems with it otherwise. If this is something I had during Peyton’s pregnancy, it was something that did go away after giving birth. I will know more soon.

Again, if anyone is finding out about this for the first time in this post…I am sorry…again, 3 kids, pregnant, can’t seem to catch my breath to talk on the phone…but it has also been a crazy few days since I found out and had my test and did not want to keep answering 20 questions until I at least had one answer.

Please be in prayer that it is something very manageable. Thank you for all your prayers from before and those of you have asked as well as helped watch kiddos while I was having my Echo done (Thanks Brandi and Tiffany).

On a lighter note…Sonogram on Friday and we will find out if the baby is a boy or girl (and see if I gained back any or all of the 4 ½ pound I lost from my last visit or Ensure and I will become daily friends my doctor threatened).


1 comment:

The Maybin's said...

hey girl! amy mentioned to me that you were getting this checked out! i got your message last week, but with bradley out of town it was a crazy week!! i am working a little until may 15th but then i'll be home!! i'll call you this weekend! i am praying for you! love ya!