Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Paige turns 3!!

Well today is the day our baby girl turns 3.

I can not longer call her a toddler (even though she has long been out of the toddle faze). She is now a preschooler (even though she has been in preschool since this time last year).

Hey well she is considered a 2 year old toddler for the school year (since she was still 2 on September 1st) so that makes her younger right???

Well either way, she is getting bigger and older every day (just like me...)

This weekend we had a little party for her with family. Cousin Tatum, Aunt Cheryl, Gigi (Jami's mom), Paige and I went to get out nails done. Paige loved every minute of being girly.
Afterwards we went to Gatti Land with the boys (Troop, Parker, Peyton, Grumpy (Jami's dad), Uncle Mark, and Cousin Will) and let the kids play(we were kids at times ourselves). It was a blast.
We all had a great afternoon together and enjoyed dinner at the house.

Yes I will post about Paige's speech as well as preschool last week soon...I have just not been on the computer much and today was about Paige's birthday!

Happy Birthday Baby...I mean Big Girl!

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