Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Potty Paige...again and some news...

Well here is a Paige update on potty time...did #2 once yesterday, #1 2 times today, and has kept her diaper on when she has not made it to the potty. See this post if you are a little confused. Since Paige did not do well with potty training over the Christmas break, I was going for another round come Spring Break. Since we are putting our house up on the market a few days before Spring Break, I was just going to pass on that until we were settled. Of course, that is when she would be interested. Fine with me long as it gets done!

On the house comment...if you have not heard, we are going to be moving down to Austin area sometime this year. Long story short, this process has been in motion for the past 3 years and we decided to finally act on it this past month. At work, Trooper has an opportunity in place within the same firm to move to our Austin office and help develop our engineering services for the Central Region of Texas (Austin, San Antonio, Corpus Christi). All in all, we have been praying for a while on this and are now taking our leap of faith.

At the end of next week, our house will be on the market with a goal to sell the house and then move Jami and the kids to Austin in an apartment before Summer's end (fingers crossed considering the market). Reason we want Jami and the kids to be there by then is because our kids made the waiting list at the preschool program at Great Hills Baptist Church, which starts in September. On Trooper's end, he will be challenged to complete all his treatment plant projects here in the DFW area before being officially released 100% to move to our Austin office. Looking ahead, and God-willing, Troop will be 100% in Austin next January/February. During the time of separation, he will be living with one of his friends here from work during the week and will be in Austin every weekend.


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