Thursday, January 14, 2010



Okay...I had a few freaked out sweet friends that called/emailed/texts me this morning about my post from the early hours this morning.

No, nothing is wrong.

No, I am not worrying about Troop or I passing any time soon...God willing.

Yes, Trooper and I did talk this past week/weekend about checking on our amount of life insurance and getting additional coverage. That is all. When I could not sleep, that conversation came back into my head and I started calculation how much we should have. If you know me and my math mind...well I got into it and broke of the computer and put it all on paper so we could talk about it this weekend.

Nothing more to it.

After I put things down on the laptop, I turned on the TV to nothing to see if it would get me to luck.

All that to say I am still awake. Peyton naps after I pick up the kiddos from preschool so they just might be watching a movie on the rainy day in Round Rock.


Is this pregnancy or something more. Or something less?

I woke at 1:10 and have been up since. It is now a few minutes until 6. When I woke it was not to go the bathroom for the 10th time for the evening (really already...I know that was one of the reasons I thought I was pregnant back in November to take the pregnancy test, but I digress). I cannot go back to sleep.

I have thought about life insurance and tried to calculate how much Trooper would need to raise 4 kiddos without me as well as how much I would need if I had to without him.

It has been a long day already...maybe I will get a nap with Peyton. Who knows.



The Maybin's said...

oh sweet jami! i'm praying for you girl. i know you know that God is in control but in the meantime it's hard to rest in that truth sometimes because well, we are human! i pray that He will remove any fear, anxiety, doubt, worry now and forevermore! love you girl! may he calm your soul!

Amy said...

Thanks for clearing the air!! Love ya girl!!

Mama Clegg said...

Oh yes... I think it is a racing prego brain combined with a typical mommy brain. I do think the mind races more with pregnancy. Congrats by the way!!! I just logged onto your blog to figure out the news!!! Wow!!!! Pray for those anxieties to pass and I will send a prayer your way!!! Take care!!!!


p.s. Can't wait to tell Travis the baby news!!!