Wednesday, December 17, 2008

8 years and 8 months

Yesterday was Trooper and my 8 year anniversary! We are going on Sunday and Monday night to Fredericksburg to a B&B without the kiddos! It will be my 1st time away from Peyton!!!

Peyton also turned 8 months old yesterday. He is 16 lbs and 2oz and 27 1/4 inches long. No he is not crawling yet...he will get up on his knees, but not crawling. I guess it does not help when I am trying to get him to crawl to a toy and EVERY TIME Parker or Paige just hand it to him. They cannot understand why I keep telling them to STOP HANDING IT TO HIM when I am telling Peyton to reach for it. Yes, I have pics, but it is late and I am off to bed. I will add them to a post tomorrow.

1 comment:

Mama Clegg said...

Congratualations!!!! Enjoy your time together without the kiddos! That will be nice! Have a great Christmas as well. We got your Xmas card and it was precious!!

Take Care,